Bilobella standard ads

wir suchen Nachzuchten der Assel Armadillidium gestroi "White spotted" sowie rötliche Springschwänze (Bilobella braunerae).
Viele Grüße

Crustraceae non aquatic kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Isopods for sale. Porcellio -Armadillidium - Cubaris +2
Sell Crustraceae non aquatic

Isopods for sale. Porcellio -Armadillidium - Cubaris

Porcellio laevis “Dairy Cow” 12 pieces € 5.00
Armadillidium vulgare “Magic potion” 12 pieces € 10.00
Armadillidium gestroi 12 pieces € 20.00
Armadillidium maculatum 12 pieces € 25.00
Cubaris spec “Panda King” 12 pieces € 25.00
Porcellio Hoffmannseggi 12 pieces € 35.00
Porcellio Expansus 12 pieces € 40.00
Spirostreptus spec. 1 “Tanzania” 1 piece € 10.00
Bilobella braunerae (red springtail) 12 piece € 6.00

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Asseln, und Tausendfüsser für Hamm +2
Sell Insects

Asseln, und Tausendfüsser für Hamm

Für übergabe in Hamm 11.6.2022

Armadillidium badium "Casteldaccia" Yellow stripe 20x 30€
Armadillidium badium "Casteldaccia" High yellow 20x 30€
Armadillidium badium "Casteldaccia" Yellow Calico 20x 30€
Armadillidium sp. "Casteldaccia" Mix colors 20x 30€
Armadillidium sp. "Casteldaccia" White albino 20 x 30€

P.expansus orange 10x 75€
P.flavomarginatus 10x 25€
P.hoffmannseggi 10x 25€
P.haasi high yellow 10x 25€
P.haasi "brigth" 10x 25€
P.werneri 10x 50€
P.bolivari "yellow ghost" 12x 70€
P.bolivari "lemonade" 12x 40 €
P.laevis orange 15x 10€
P.scaber mix 10x 20€
A.gestroi 10x 20€
A.vulgare st.lucia 12x 35€

Cubaris sp. lemon blue 10x 90€
Cubaris sp. rubber ducky 10x 90€
Cubaris sp. jupiter 10x 90€
Cubaris sp. amber ducky 10x 70€
Cubaris sp. firefly 10x 180€
Cubaris sp.panda king 10x 20 €
Cubaris murina 10x 25€
Cubaris sp. "grey tiger" 10x 25€
Merulanella starsky 10x 80€
Venezillo sp.Namibia 10x 60€
P.pruinosus "oreo" 12x 25€
P.pruinosus "chrystal" 12x 25€
P.pruinosus "orange koi" 12x 25€

Bilobella sp. 15x 20€
Xenobolus carnifex 10x 130€
Anadenobolus monilicornis 10x 50€

other Arthropoda kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Bilobella braunerae, orange giant springtails
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Bilobella braunerae, orange giant springtails

Perfect for bioactive tanks, in species only boxes or as feeders.
This species is often visible during the day and is fairly active.

15€ for one small starter culture (20+ Animals)
25€ for a bigger starter culture (50+ Animals)